Toni Jones
Dr. Hepworth
English 101
25 February 2008
[Mr. Reed, thank you for agreeing to this interview about the Fraternal Order of Eagles and your part as the Idaho State Jerry Reed. Hopefully, students will have a better understanding of what the Eagles organization is about, and the wonderful work they do everyday to help enrich others lives.]
“Thank you for asking me Toni. This organization is near and dear to my heart, and I would love to share any information about it with your fellow students.”
[Mr. Reed, what exactly is the F.O.E.?]
Jerry Reed Idaho State Eagles President 1Well Toni, F.O.E., stands for “Fraternal Order of Eagles”. It is an organization with the motto, “People Helping People”. Our goals are very simple. That is to raise millions of dollars every year to help with our local and our national charity organizations. We value and support our police, fire men and women, as well as many other organizations within our community needing assistance. We are over one million members strong.
[When was the organization started?]
It started in February1898, in Seattle, Washington. This now brings it to be 110 years old, as of this month. Six theater owners got together to discuss a musician strike actually. In
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that discussion they formed “The Order of Good Things”. Later, that name was changed to “The Fraternal Order of Eagles”, when the members adopted the Bald Eagle as there emblem.
[What are the organizations National Charities Mr. Reed?]
We have 8 National Charities Toni. Max Bear Heart Fund, Robert W. Hansen Diabetes Fund, Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund, D.D. Dunlap Kidney Fund, Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund, Golden Age Eagle Fund, Alzheimer’s Fund, and the Lew Reed Spinal Cord Injury Fund, which was just implement a couple of years ago. Each Lodge from around the United States and Canada, have fund raisers throughout the year to help raise money for these charities. We raise millions of dollars each year to help support them.
[What local charities does the Lewiston Eagles Lodge donate to?]
We give to the Salvation Army, Northwest Children’s Home, Food Bank, the free health clinic, YMCA, Animal Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, and St. Josephs Hospital just to name a few. As a matter of fact we just raised $4000.00 from our lodge for Habitat for Humanity. Our members will chairman an event such as a dinner or poker run to help raise money to give to these charities.
[Now that I know a little about the organization Mr. Reed, why did you decide to become the Idaho State Eagles Presidents?]
I had been a member of the Lewiston Lodge for sometime. I ran for office there in 1998. With holding an office in your local lodge, you have the opportunity to compete in the State and National competitions. After attending a few of them, I decided that I would
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enjoy helping the State of Idaho and its Lodges move into the future. One day lodge brothers asked if I would like to run for a State Office. I thought, why not, I enjoy the people, but more importantly I feel good helping raise money for all these charities.
I also thought I could help out the smaller lodges in the state with any problems they might encounter.
[What qualifications do you have to have to become the State President?]
You must be a Past President of the Eagles Lodge. Which means you must have been a President first to be able to become a Past President. You must be a member in good standing. Once you have achieved that you run for the State Offices. First you start with the State Outside Guard, then Inside Guard, Conductor, Chaplain, Vice President hence to follow is the President. After your Presidents year is over you receive the honor of being the Idaho State Past President for a year. All the offices in your local and state lodge require you serve one year for each office. So as you can see, it takes approximately 13 years to become a State President of the Eagles Lodge, not including the time you spent as a member attending meetings.
[As a State President Mr. Reed, what duties are required from you?]
Firstly problem solving, I help try to keep the State of Idaho Eagles Lodges running smoothly. This means if any financial, membership or internal problems occur I am at their beckon call to help them in any way possible come to a solution. Secondly is to choose the 8 State Charity Chairmen from around the State of Idaho to raise money for our National Charities. I was fortunate this year as to pick 8 chairmen from 8 different
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cities here in Idaho, that I feel will do a fantastic job and raise a lot of money. Thirdly, I have the privilege of choosing a Presidents charity.
[What is your state charity?]
I chose Kin Care Coalition as my State Charity. Most people are not even aware of what it is or that an organization even exists. That is one of the many reasons I chose it. But the main reason is because I was shocked of how many people are actually affected by it in the State of Idaho.
[What is Kid Care Coalition?]
Kid Care Coalition is a group of public agencies, private organizations, and individuals which support the efforts of grandparents and other adults/kin who step in to parent children during temporary or permanent absence or neglect of parents. As of present there are over 18,000 children being raised by grandparents or others family members in the State of Idaho. 100% of the money raised stays in Idaho with no administrative costs. All money raised goes to the kids and, “that’s kind a cool”. Here is their website if you are interested in checking it out.
[What if any, do you feel has been your greatest accomplishment up to this point?]
Besides raising thousands of dollars for my state charity, I had to the opportunity to go help out one of our smaller Lodges. They were basically on the verge of having to close down due to lack of participation. They did not have the members to even hold the offices to run a meeting for the past few years. After meeting them, and discussing some new plans to help achieve getting enough people to take offices, they have been doing
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terrific. They have all ready raised $1000.00 for my State Charity as well as holding meetings on a now regular basis. It was a great feeling to know I helped keep a part of
this great organization up and running. No matter how small or large the Lodge is, we need each and every one of them to help us meet our goals. Every Lodge is just important as the next.
[Have you run into any problems as the State President along the way?]
Actually Toni, I’m glad you asked that question. I was just thinking about this at work today. The Charitable organizations such as the Eagles, Moose, Elks and others, are struggling to make ends meet. Mostly it is due to lack of signing up new younger members. The older members hesitate to make change so it has an adverse effect on getting newer younger members to join. Certainly we need the older members for their wisdom, expertise and years of dedication, but, we also need the younger members for their enthusiasm, energy, new ideas and participation. Many Idaho State Presidents before me have tried to tackle this issue as well. How do we keep our loyal older members happy, but, at the same time have an environment the younger generation will feel comfortable at as well. Without new members signing up and helping chair some of these functions with their new ideas, it leaves the same few people doing all the work. Who in turn get tired and don’t come around as often as well. This is a problem I have yet to figure out myself. I would hate to see such great organizations that help so many others die to lack of participation.
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[What if any benefits do you receive being a member of the Eagles?]
Certainly the sheer satisfaction of being able to help someone less fortunate then ourselves is one of the main benefits. But also, you can go into any Eagles Lodge in the Unites States and Canada. You always seem to meet new interesting people.
But, on a more personal note… I have met most of my new good friends here. Ones I consider life long friends. Most of family has joined, and anyone whom was a friend before I started the Eagles, in now a member as well. It is a great place to go to meet new fantastic people as well. The camaraderie you will make here will be worth the time you spent just to walk through the door. A friendly hello is the key to many life success stories. Once you have worked on a function down here, you will understand how important it is to all work for the same goal, “People Helping People
[How does one become a member of the Eagles?]
Well that’s easy as the piece of pie we sell here at a social function Toni. You can come down to the lodge and pick up an application anytime the doors are open. Secondly you will need to have a sponsor (someone to sign you up). Most any member in good standing would be happy to do that for you. We have what is called an interviewing committee who will contact you and ask you a few simple questions. Then your name has to be read at 2 of our meetings and voted on. There is also a small annual you fee you pay to receive our newsletter and any national benefits you are eligible for.
[Is there anything I have not covered that you would like to add to this interview Mr. Reed?]
Toni 7
I didn’t completely understand the opportunity that I was given when elected to the Idaho State Eagles Aerie. With the years of commitment came some trying and frustrating times. Some very enjoyable times as well. Through all these times and years, there has always been 1 person who has always been here to help me, support me, encourage me and at times correct me. That person is my wife of 33 years Sharon. I don’t know if this would have been possible without her love and support. My involvement became also became her involvement. Sharon always made sure my shirt and ties matched, cloths were always clean and pressed, but more importantly she always supported me no matter what. I thank truly thank Sharon for always being there for me. I only hope that I can return the favor because Sharon has now been elected to the Idaho State Eagles Auxiliary, and in 7 years, she will be their President.
. I don’t know if 110 years ago the theater owners in Seattle envisioned what this organization has become. They have had many distinguished people become members such as; John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Durante, and Theodore Roosevelt to name a few. All in all their were 8 U. S. Presidents to become members and many celebrities as well. They understand that we truly are “People Helping People”. I feel that with all the support of Eagle members in the State of Idaho, I may have helped further this cause. What an honor and a privilege I have been given.
Toni 8
[Thank you, Mr. Reed, for all the information about the Fraternal Order of Eagles and your part as the Idaho State President. I am sure this will be informative for my class in better understanding what your organization is all about. It has been a great pleasure to meet with you today Mr. Reed.]
My pleasure Toni, and if there is any other information you need don’t hesitate to call on me.
Dr. Hepworth
English 101
25 February 2008
[Mr. Reed, thank you for agreeing to this interview about the Fraternal Order of Eagles and your part as the Idaho State Jerry Reed. Hopefully, students will have a better understanding of what the Eagles organization is about, and the wonderful work they do everyday to help enrich others lives.]
“Thank you for asking me Toni. This organization is near and dear to my heart, and I would love to share any information about it with your fellow students.”
[Mr. Reed, what exactly is the F.O.E.?]
Jerry Reed Idaho State Eagles President 1Well Toni, F.O.E., stands for “Fraternal Order of Eagles”. It is an organization with the motto, “People Helping People”. Our goals are very simple. That is to raise millions of dollars every year to help with our local and our national charity organizations. We value and support our police, fire men and women, as well as many other organizations within our community needing assistance. We are over one million members strong.
[When was the organization started?]
It started in February1898, in Seattle, Washington. This now brings it to be 110 years old, as of this month. Six theater owners got together to discuss a musician strike actually. In
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that discussion they formed “The Order of Good Things”. Later, that name was changed to “The Fraternal Order of Eagles”, when the members adopted the Bald Eagle as there emblem.
[What are the organizations National Charities Mr. Reed?]
We have 8 National Charities Toni. Max Bear Heart Fund, Robert W. Hansen Diabetes Fund, Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund, D.D. Dunlap Kidney Fund, Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund, Golden Age Eagle Fund, Alzheimer’s Fund, and the Lew Reed Spinal Cord Injury Fund, which was just implement a couple of years ago. Each Lodge from around the United States and Canada, have fund raisers throughout the year to help raise money for these charities. We raise millions of dollars each year to help support them.
[What local charities does the Lewiston Eagles Lodge donate to?]
We give to the Salvation Army, Northwest Children’s Home, Food Bank, the free health clinic, YMCA, Animal Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, and St. Josephs Hospital just to name a few. As a matter of fact we just raised $4000.00 from our lodge for Habitat for Humanity. Our members will chairman an event such as a dinner or poker run to help raise money to give to these charities.
[Now that I know a little about the organization Mr. Reed, why did you decide to become the Idaho State Eagles Presidents?]
I had been a member of the Lewiston Lodge for sometime. I ran for office there in 1998. With holding an office in your local lodge, you have the opportunity to compete in the State and National competitions. After attending a few of them, I decided that I would
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enjoy helping the State of Idaho and its Lodges move into the future. One day lodge brothers asked if I would like to run for a State Office. I thought, why not, I enjoy the people, but more importantly I feel good helping raise money for all these charities.
I also thought I could help out the smaller lodges in the state with any problems they might encounter.
[What qualifications do you have to have to become the State President?]
You must be a Past President of the Eagles Lodge. Which means you must have been a President first to be able to become a Past President. You must be a member in good standing. Once you have achieved that you run for the State Offices. First you start with the State Outside Guard, then Inside Guard, Conductor, Chaplain, Vice President hence to follow is the President. After your Presidents year is over you receive the honor of being the Idaho State Past President for a year. All the offices in your local and state lodge require you serve one year for each office. So as you can see, it takes approximately 13 years to become a State President of the Eagles Lodge, not including the time you spent as a member attending meetings.
[As a State President Mr. Reed, what duties are required from you?]
Firstly problem solving, I help try to keep the State of Idaho Eagles Lodges running smoothly. This means if any financial, membership or internal problems occur I am at their beckon call to help them in any way possible come to a solution. Secondly is to choose the 8 State Charity Chairmen from around the State of Idaho to raise money for our National Charities. I was fortunate this year as to pick 8 chairmen from 8 different
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cities here in Idaho, that I feel will do a fantastic job and raise a lot of money. Thirdly, I have the privilege of choosing a Presidents charity.
[What is your state charity?]
I chose Kin Care Coalition as my State Charity. Most people are not even aware of what it is or that an organization even exists. That is one of the many reasons I chose it. But the main reason is because I was shocked of how many people are actually affected by it in the State of Idaho.
[What is Kid Care Coalition?]
Kid Care Coalition is a group of public agencies, private organizations, and individuals which support the efforts of grandparents and other adults/kin who step in to parent children during temporary or permanent absence or neglect of parents. As of present there are over 18,000 children being raised by grandparents or others family members in the State of Idaho. 100% of the money raised stays in Idaho with no administrative costs. All money raised goes to the kids and, “that’s kind a cool”. Here is their website if you are interested in checking it out.
[What if any, do you feel has been your greatest accomplishment up to this point?]
Besides raising thousands of dollars for my state charity, I had to the opportunity to go help out one of our smaller Lodges. They were basically on the verge of having to close down due to lack of participation. They did not have the members to even hold the offices to run a meeting for the past few years. After meeting them, and discussing some new plans to help achieve getting enough people to take offices, they have been doing
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terrific. They have all ready raised $1000.00 for my State Charity as well as holding meetings on a now regular basis. It was a great feeling to know I helped keep a part of
this great organization up and running. No matter how small or large the Lodge is, we need each and every one of them to help us meet our goals. Every Lodge is just important as the next.
[Have you run into any problems as the State President along the way?]
Actually Toni, I’m glad you asked that question. I was just thinking about this at work today. The Charitable organizations such as the Eagles, Moose, Elks and others, are struggling to make ends meet. Mostly it is due to lack of signing up new younger members. The older members hesitate to make change so it has an adverse effect on getting newer younger members to join. Certainly we need the older members for their wisdom, expertise and years of dedication, but, we also need the younger members for their enthusiasm, energy, new ideas and participation. Many Idaho State Presidents before me have tried to tackle this issue as well. How do we keep our loyal older members happy, but, at the same time have an environment the younger generation will feel comfortable at as well. Without new members signing up and helping chair some of these functions with their new ideas, it leaves the same few people doing all the work. Who in turn get tired and don’t come around as often as well. This is a problem I have yet to figure out myself. I would hate to see such great organizations that help so many others die to lack of participation.
Toni 6
[What if any benefits do you receive being a member of the Eagles?]
Certainly the sheer satisfaction of being able to help someone less fortunate then ourselves is one of the main benefits. But also, you can go into any Eagles Lodge in the Unites States and Canada. You always seem to meet new interesting people.
But, on a more personal note… I have met most of my new good friends here. Ones I consider life long friends. Most of family has joined, and anyone whom was a friend before I started the Eagles, in now a member as well. It is a great place to go to meet new fantastic people as well. The camaraderie you will make here will be worth the time you spent just to walk through the door. A friendly hello is the key to many life success stories. Once you have worked on a function down here, you will understand how important it is to all work for the same goal, “People Helping People
[How does one become a member of the Eagles?]
Well that’s easy as the piece of pie we sell here at a social function Toni. You can come down to the lodge and pick up an application anytime the doors are open. Secondly you will need to have a sponsor (someone to sign you up). Most any member in good standing would be happy to do that for you. We have what is called an interviewing committee who will contact you and ask you a few simple questions. Then your name has to be read at 2 of our meetings and voted on. There is also a small annual you fee you pay to receive our newsletter and any national benefits you are eligible for.
[Is there anything I have not covered that you would like to add to this interview Mr. Reed?]
Toni 7
I didn’t completely understand the opportunity that I was given when elected to the Idaho State Eagles Aerie. With the years of commitment came some trying and frustrating times. Some very enjoyable times as well. Through all these times and years, there has always been 1 person who has always been here to help me, support me, encourage me and at times correct me. That person is my wife of 33 years Sharon. I don’t know if this would have been possible without her love and support. My involvement became also became her involvement. Sharon always made sure my shirt and ties matched, cloths were always clean and pressed, but more importantly she always supported me no matter what. I thank truly thank Sharon for always being there for me. I only hope that I can return the favor because Sharon has now been elected to the Idaho State Eagles Auxiliary, and in 7 years, she will be their President.
. I don’t know if 110 years ago the theater owners in Seattle envisioned what this organization has become. They have had many distinguished people become members such as; John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Durante, and Theodore Roosevelt to name a few. All in all their were 8 U. S. Presidents to become members and many celebrities as well. They understand that we truly are “People Helping People”. I feel that with all the support of Eagle members in the State of Idaho, I may have helped further this cause. What an honor and a privilege I have been given.
Toni 8
[Thank you, Mr. Reed, for all the information about the Fraternal Order of Eagles and your part as the Idaho State President. I am sure this will be informative for my class in better understanding what your organization is all about. It has been a great pleasure to meet with you today Mr. Reed.]
My pleasure Toni, and if there is any other information you need don’t hesitate to call on me.
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